
As scientists, it is part of our job to inform our professional colleagues about our results. However, it is at least as important to inform the general public, who ultimately finances most of our work through their taxes. We are committed to ensure that our research is accessible to everybody, and also to contribute to transmit our passion for Science to future generations. Some of the educative programs where we usually participate are:

A bridge between high school and university

The STEMbach programm, designed for both the Humanities and Science and created under the Galician Strategy for digital education, promotes students’ vocation towards scientific and technological research and allows a direct connection with university education. (hiperlink en Stembach)

STEMbach 2020-2021


Author: Sara Barona Regueiro

Tutor: Mª Rosario García-Echave López

Coordinator: Rebeca García Fandiño, Dpto. de Química Orgánica, Facultade de Química, USC.

Video presentation STEMbach IES Rosalía de Castro

Project presentation video

Scientific women at primary school

“Unha enxeñeira ou científica en cada cole” is an initiative developed by the Office of Gender Equality of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) in order to make women visible in the STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), with the realization of workshops aimed at students of primary of the public schools of Santiago de Compostela. 

Aprendendo Química a través da Realidade Virtual e a Realidade Aumentada”

“Learning Chemistry through Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality”

3rd Edition

C.E.I.P Raíña Fabiola (2016-2017)

C.E.I.P Rubios (2016-2017)

4rd Edition

C.E.I.P. Monte dos Postes (2019-2020)

C.E.I.P. Vite I (2019-2020)

C.E.I.P. Xixirei (2019-2020)

C.E.I.P. Pio XII (2019-2020)